History is in the making. I woke up early in the morning today with the noise of my neighbours all shouting with excitment about the election. I myself am not into the politics but with the future of Nepal on our hands, this isn't something I would like to miss.

The election was already on full swing when I reached out the home. Things were starting to heat up with all the community starting to gather around the Kumari Temple, Mandikhatar for the election of first ever Constitutional Assembly Election in Nepal.

This is a nice little change we are having here in Nepal and let's pray to the Lord PashupatiNath that everythings goes on Peace. But eventually this is Nepal. After taking some photographs, I returned for my morning cup of tea just to find out that there has been news all around Nepal that Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) has been capturing booths or not allowing participants of other political parties to join the Election Booth.
I was deeply touched by some comments made by the popular actor Deepak Raj Giri, Tito Satya fame. He was giving his opinions regarding the CA Election and what he said totally applied to not only Maoists but all the leading political parties in Nepal. I will try to quote him "Whenever we have difference in Political Opinions, We are considered as Differential Enemy".
Hope that the situation improves over time and we all have what we are dreaming since the Loktantrik Aandolan. There has been valant effort from the Martyrs to bring Peace in Nepal and let's not forget them in this moment.
May Peace prevail in Nepal......
Naya Nepal Jindabad....
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