NEPSE...the word was very much alien to me before I came to know about it. I was shocked to hear that people earned as much as 600% profit in Secondary Market and became Crorepati in matters of months. I am also a human being and was lured into it.
Without knowing how exactly it works, and even now I don't know very much, I am not very sure about the technical terms still, I plunged into NEPSE last year by starting in IPOs. The first one was the Debenture Share of Everest Bank Ltd. Well being naive and having no experience at all, I put into a big amount with my own name. Very Bad way of entering as the amount got stuck for nearly 4 months without any interest. I got afraid and didn't plunged into it for next couple of months. Then came Kaski finance. In Share market, y0ur head should work rather than your heart. But being a Kaskeli myself, I couldn't help myself. But this time around I put the IPOs in the name of my whole family. Luckily I was allotted and my luck, from that time onwards, NEPSE decided to give interest as well.
After the shares got listed, I came to know it was worthy of applying for IPOs as it's market value rose to above 900 which was 9 fold. I couldn't hide my grin and boasting of it around. Then I kept on applying and luckily had been allotted on some as well. Then came the biggest mistake, I followed my heart. Since my accounts were in NIB, I decided to buy a hefty number of shares of NIB in secondary market. It was that day and now, I am wondering why I decided to play that risky game. NEPSE has plunged into the lowest point in a decade and I have nearly lost a couple of months salary even if I sell the shares now.
It was a experience I couldn't hide as it taught me how to manage the monetary values and now, even though the NEPSE is plunging I am wondering and making my guts to bore deep into my pockets and still be a player in the losing NEPSE, hopeful that eventually returning as a WINNER.
Blogger - Web Developer - Foodie - Gardener - Motorcycle Enthusiast
Monday, March 29, 2010
Entering NEPSE
Kaski Finance
Nepal Investment Bank Ltd
nepal share market
primary market
secondary market
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The End of an Era

Before you say anything, I would like to make a point very clear that I am not a fan of GPK...but he was there and he fought for the freedom and bring Democracy in Nepal. Every person has his/her own merits/demerits but his merits overcame his demerits and he was able to stay true to his own words(for most of the time).

We pray to the God Almighty that his soul be rested in peace and at this difficult time, give strength to his family. RIP
Close-up Photo Courtesy:
Girija Prasad Koirala
national leader
Nepali congress
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